Welcome to my site


If you look for a web-designer, efficient CMS, web-app developer or some RC helicopters/multicopters freak... you found the right place :)

About Me

Who am I?

My name is Pawel Zboralski, I come from Lodz, Poland.
I was born in 1982. I graduated Environmental Protection studies on University of Lodz.

Currently I work as Senior Software Engineer in Dell Products Poland.
In 2019 I took IInd place (Ist ex-aequo) in EDC Hackathon 2019 Drones.
In 2018 I won the Roche/JiM foundation (Ist place).
I was interested in IT for a long time, I have some great experience in WWW design and web apps development.
In my work I use, among others:

My Portfolio
My Hobby

Scale models

Building scale models is something I was doing since I was a kid, but the ones I did in the primary school are long lost. Below I present the ones that I was doing since 2009.

RC models

I started to play with RC 'for real' in about 2011. Not mentioning all the previous RC toys. I mainly focus on RC helicopters and multicopters. I use Spektrum RX/TX (DX9). Below I present just the most interesting (I think) models, but if you wish to browse through all my fleet - see my profile at ZBRC (open "Bazy Użytkowników" section, and select my nickname).


Photography is something I do more as an amator than a professional, but I do like photo shooting, and I have quite a collection of pictres from many occassions.
I invite you to browse through my galleries.

Secret files

Secret files are secret.
Pawel Zboralski; Lodz, Poland